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Faeries Oracle

Card 48 - A Collective of Pixies

Duty. Willingness. Joyful participation. Virtue.

A pixie's gotta do what a pixie's gotta do, and one of the things a pixie has to do is to dance. It has to be done, so that the flowers will grow and fruit, the grass will do its photosynthesis thing, the trees will put down their roots properly, and other processes will proceed in their proper time, at their proper pace. The pressure of the pixies' energetic little etheric feet may even be what helps to keep the world turning at the right speed - at least, they claim it does. (I know that physicists claim differently, but who would you rather believe? Besides, physicists keep changing their minds about things, and pixies have done this dance forever and the world has kept on turning, hasn't it? All the physicists do, anyway, is to explain how the pixies' dance works, not who does it.)

Approaching these tasks with lightheartedness is, they say, essential. It lends virtue (in the sense of potency) to their actions. Otherwise, their feet would come down too heavily and stunt the growth of things instead of enhancing it - or they might step too lightly, and then things might grow the wrong way up or sideways. It could make the world turn wrong.

Pixies could treat their duty as something boring or oppressive, but they choose to take joy in doing it and doing it well. Are you faced with duties? Like the old saying goes, a merry heart makes light work. We have a choice about how we do anything. We can make a game of it and do it happily. We can take an attitude that makes it demanding and oppressive. We can choose to regard it as boring and dull. When we choose the first attitude, the results have a different feeling, a different energy than the results of the other two. Anyone and everything that come in contact with the results of that work feels the difference and is affected differently by it, whether they notice it or not. So, here is another of those places where we can make the world better or worse - and do the same to ourselves simultaneously.

Starter Reading

What is needed here is not only an awareness of duty but a merry approach to it. This job has to be done, so one might as well do it willingly. Progress through this dance maze step by step - lithely and lightly. Take joy and pride in achievement. Approach the work with zeal, zest, and zing - and perhaps even a little zaniness as well. Otherwise, you might as well not bother - well, almost. There is something about this lighthearted approach to your duty that is important at this time in order to achieve the results you want.

Additionally, consider the words collective and cooperative as you make your plans. This situation may take more than one person, perhaps several working together to achieve the desired results. Joining forces with others is appropriate at this time. Seek the cooperation of friends, family, coworkers, and faeries, as appropriate.


When pixies haven't enough to do, they tend to get into mischief together. They decide they ought to lead the travelers astray, chase the farmer's cows from the field, tangle the computer's wires and tickle its memory, and cross the telephone lines. Make sure that everyone involved knows what they are expected to do here and that they have enough work to keep them busy without being overloaded.

Alternatively, some people may be dragging their feet, not getting their job done, promising and then not delivering. Invite them to join the dance. If possible, help them to see the joy and satisfaction to be found in doing a good job cheerfully. Set a good example.

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